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Drugs & Alcohol

Child trying asthma with cannabis inhaler
Drugs & Alcohol

Cannabis Intoxication in Children: Issues After Legalization

Pediatric cannabis intoxication has become a serious public health issue in states where marijuana has been legalized. A substantial spike in emergency room visits and calls to poison control centers are an unintended consequence of the decriminalization of marijuana. The Los Angeles Times reported that in 2017, California’s poison control centers received 588 calls regarding people under 19. More than 250 of those calls involved children ages five and under,

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Why Am I Vomiting So Much? Do I Have CHS?

If you find yourself throwing up constantly, for no apparent reason, your doctor might ask whether you smoke marijuana. And how often. Don’t get annoyed at the doctor’s seeming nosiness. There’s actually a link between heavy marijuana use and vomiting. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Increasing case reports have shown that people who use marijuana often, and heavily, are at risk for developing what doctors call Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, or CHS. Though

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Teen Athletes: Are They More Likely to Have Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues?

Sports have a host of benefits for teens. From social advantages to academic enrichment to physical health, it seems like there’s nothing better than playing on your high school team. At the same time, there’s a dark underbelly in the world of teen athletics. Research looking at thousands of teen athletes around America has produced some slightly unsettling correlations. This data shows that while high school athletes are at higher

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Warning Labels on Alcohol Products: Do They Work?

Most of us grew up with warning labels on products around the house. We saw labels on things like cleaning products, bug spray, and rat poison. Some household items even had labels with the classic pirate’s skull and crossbones, letting us know that the contents were actual poison that could kill you if ingested. All these labels are there for good reason: to protect public health. However, some warning labels

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New School Year, New You: Put Your Recovery First

Let’s say, for instance, one thing you did this summer was get treatment for an alcohol or substance use disorder. It may have been a live-in, residential program, a day treatment program, a half-day program, or something else. Whatever type of treatment you received, we’re sure it wasn’t the easiest thing you’ve ever done. You probably spent hours – if not days or weeks – exploring the issues that led

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Your Friend is Addicted to Drugs. Are You Enabling Their Behavior?

If your friend is addicted to drugs—whether it’s opioid pills like Oxycontin or recreational drugs like weed or crack—you may feel obligated to help. Whether or not your friend asks you for help, you may feel like you need to stop their dangerous cycle and get them back on track. First, we’ll be straight up with you: it’s not your job to make them better. What do we mean? The

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Breaking the Myth: Heroin is Not a Party Drug

Parents often call us when their adolescent is having substance abuse issues. Sometimes, when they mention that their teen has used heroin, they’ll follow up with a statement like, “But they say they’ve only tried it a couple of times at a party…” Unfortunately, we’re here to break your bubble: Heroin is not a social drug. If you’re imagining a bunch of teens getting high together and letting loose at

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Why Benzodiazepines are Dangerous for Teens

Two years ago, popular celebrity Lena Dunham shared her personal experience with benzodiazepines, otherwise known as benzos.  Although her doctor prescribed benzos to manage her anxiety, Dunham found that she was becoming dependent on them. So much so, in fact, that she was taking the medication about every day for three years. They are only supposed to be prescribed for weeks, at most. Benzodiazepines are minor tranquilizers with sedative effects.

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I Don’t Believe in God. Are the 12 Steps For Me?

If you’re a teen who has struggled or is struggling with alcohol addiction, drug abuse, or other mental health issues, you’ve probably heard of the 12-Step approach to recovery. The 12 Steps were originally founded in 1935 to treat alcohol addiction—hence the start of Alcoholics Anonymous. Now, myriad groups and organizations have adopted their tried-and-true addiction recovery method. For example, there’s Narcotics Anonymous, Heroin Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous,

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