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Peer Pressure

transgender teen
Family & Home Life

Does Social Contagion Cause Teens to Identify as Transgender?

News stations have spent the last few years stoking debates about transgender individuals. From transgender people enlisting in the military to whether transgender people should be allowed to play sports to which restroom transgender people should use, the small but substantial portion of the population has faced intense public scrutiny from every direction. An estimated 1.6 million people in the United States ages 13 and older identify as transgender. This

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Anxiety & Mood Disorders

The Impact of Peer Pressure on Depressed and Anxious Teens – Risks and Warning Signs

Depression and Anxiety Increase Vulnerability to Peer Pressure When we talk about peer pressure, most of us immediately think about high school. Although peer pressure exists in elementary school, escalates in middle school, and permeates college culture on social, academic, and personal levels, high school is the time and place peer pressure appears to exert its most powerful influence over the growing human. This makes perfect sense when we think

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LGBTQ History Month: Looking Back, Moving Forward

by Toby LaPlant October is LGBTQ History Month in the United States. While one month isn’t nearly enough time to learn the names of every person who marched, spoke, took action, wrote, organized, and dreamed of a better life for themselves, their friends, or their family, it’s a great chance to get to know some of the key figures who worked for progress and how much they’ve achieved. LGBTQ history

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The Danger of Drinking Games for Teens

Celebrations in the U.S. often feature alcohol. At sports events, concerts, parties, and sometimes school dances and proms, it’s quite common to see young adults and teenagers with alcoholic beverages in hand. This even happens when alcohol isn’t officially allowed at these events. Teens manage to sneak in alcohol anyway. Or they may pregame the event by getting drunk beforehand. Unfortunately, this practice has reached the point where parents need

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What Age Should My Child Get a Phone?

The time has come. Your child, or adolescent, is asking for a phone. But not just any phone will do, of course. They need a smartphone. Preferably the latest model.  “Everyone has one,” they’re telling you. (Which may not be 100% true, by the way.) But before you go and purchase said smartphone, you decide to research online. (For that we say, good going!) And here you are, wondering about

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Helping Teens Navigate High School Cliques

Teenage Cliques: The More Things Change Research on teenage social groups shows that even though there are hundreds of names for teenage cliques and that their names may change from place to place, teenagers have the tendency to group themselves into four basic categories, or cliques. Most schools have their share of what we call jocks, smart kids, popular kids, and alternative kids. Some researchers argue that adults create these

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